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From: Fred H.
Sent on: Thursday, August 21, 2014, 5:19 PM
Tomorrow, Friday, Aug 22, 7 p.m., Lenexa Price Chopper: 2-PARTER:

PART 1, DISCUSSION:  WHAT WILL IT MEAN WHEN WE DECIDE FREE WILL IS AN ILLUSION? (sorta like asking What does it mean if there is no meaning?)
The June issue of Scientific American had an article titled, "The World Without Free Will: What happens to a society that believes people have no conscious control over their actions," by Azim Shariff and Kathleen Vohs.
There's good news and bad news.  It's yet to be ... determined.  And the way it comes out will be up to ... us?

Inline image 1

Come find out the issues, learn the latest research from psychological studies, and then weigh in with your own thoughts.  Most of this segment will be devoted to your discussion:

  • Is free will in any way compatible with modern science?  If so, how?  If not, as the article says, "What does a post-free will society, or rather a post-belief in free will society, look like?
  • What will this do to theories of crime and punishment?  Is "consequential" punishment preferable to "retributive" punishment?
  • What are the dangers for a society composed of members who feel less personally accountable for their actions?  
  • Which is better for society, universal belief in free will or in determinism?  What other "choices" are there?                         

RSVP at   (It helps us know how to set up.)


We'll devote about a half hour to this discussion, then:


For the nosy person who doesn't have time to read it all, but wants to know it all...

Inline image 2

Bring whatever you've been reading, and come to discuss that and what everyone else is reading. Subjects can include just about anything: fiction or non-fiction; history, science, humor, psychology, religion, philosophy; books or blogs or articles, etc. Come to talk or come to listen. No pressure, just friendly fun.

We 'll give anyone who wants 3-5 minutes to explain what they've been reading, and another 3-5 minutes for everyone to ask questions and discuss. We always learn a ton. Come make new friends and learn something new about what they’ve been reading.

Come at 6:45 to grab a salad bar or café supper downstairs or just chat before getting started.

Afterwards: Meet at the nearby Blue Moose for more conversation.


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