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New Meetup: Sunday Night Poker!

From: user 8.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 19, 2009, 11:39 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Kansas City Boardgames!

What: Sunday Night Poker!

When: September 6,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $10.00 per person

Jakes Home
10131 Earnshaw St.
Lenexa, KS 66215

Poker Night!

Theme: 1st game-Texas Hold 'em, then a group vote for additional games (Texas Hold 'em, Omaha, Stud, etc)

Weve all watched the tournaments on television; youve probably played it online; and you keep hearing your neighbor brag about his big winnings at his games. Here is your chance to bring your poker face and go "all in" to win it big!
Join us for a night of friendly poker! Our last poker meetup was great, so dont miss this one!

We will be playing pot limit(you may only bet whats in the pot, no "all-in" on the first hand); 6-9 to a table, we will vote on a split for 1st and 2nd place.

Its incredibly popular and should be easy for new and experienced players to play together.

Rules for the game can be found all over the internet, but I will offer a tutorial and real practice for anyone who wants to learn 1/2 hour before the game. I know that many of you havent played before, so contact me and I will be happy to answer any questions about this game and refer you to a good online site to practice. We will accomodate new and inexperienced players, so dont hesitate to join us!

For this meetup, We will play for a $10 buy in.

I will have poker chips and cards, but if you have your own, please bring them so we can accomodate more people as needed. We will set up multiple tables if necessary, and play to one winner. For those of you who bust out early, we will have a rebuy for $5. After that, youre off to a seperate table to play again(if you want) as more players join you.

This will be a friendly game. Feel free to "psych out" your opponents with a look, but no foul language, or poor sportsmanship will be tolerated. No smoking inside. Bring your own beverages and snacks if you want. We will discuss charging a nominal fee to cover food and drink for future meetups.

This is a great game, full of strategy and cunning. Learn how to play, hone your skills, or just join us and enjoy a night out; this will be great!

*If you want to host any future meetup, please contact me ASAP and we will discuss the details.

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