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Strategy Games

From: Gerry
Sent on: Monday, March 29, 2010, 10:50 PM
In case you couldn't remember that game you played:

Web of Power


Ticket To Ride

Betrayal At The House On The Hill

And I think I saw a game of Carcassonne

There are a few game stores in town where these games - and tons more like them - can be purchased.  TableTop Game and Hobby (Overland Park), Game Cafe (Independence), and Pulp Fiction (Lee's Summit) are the first three that come to mind.

There are also many dealers online that sell games for up to 30% off retail, but you'll have to pay for shipping.  I know of three sites where shipping is free if the order is large enough (usually around $125).  If anyone is interested in combining an order to save on shipping, let me know.


Games are very educational. Scrabble teaches us vocabulary, Monopoly teaches us cash-flow management, and D&D teaches us to loot the bodies.

-- Steve Jackson