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What we’re about

This group is designed for writers who have published, or want to publish, on Kindle, and then to market those books successfully to a wider audience. We offer inspiration, technical knowledge and - maybe most important of all in the Kindle world - reviews of one another's works so other people will buy and read them. This is a working group designed to take various written works, get them published and read and making money.

For most writers, the world has changed, and we are in a sort of "golden age." We used to have to try to get busy agents and publishers interested in your work, and then we still had to find a way to reach the public. If we did, we got a puny fraction of the proceeds. Because of the need for scale, most publishers were only interested in large works that would be massively popular.

Kindle has changed all that. Now we can publish ourselves on Kindle. We can publish materials of virtually any length, set our own price, and receive much more of it. For that reason, we can publish things to much smaller audiences - but if it does become popular, the material can go viral in a heartbeat and be delivered just as quickly. More books are bought in electronic form than in traditional (paper) form.

Our challenge, other than crafting quality work, is to publicize that work so that people will notice and buy it. That is the main purpose of this group. You can visit our website at:

We would appreciate answers to the questions asked, since that helps us know how to give you better content. A photo that is recognizable is required because otherwise we can't identify each other at some of the events we plan. Please let me know if you have special needs regarding the photo - (i.e., security concerns). Otherwise, membership will not be considered without a photo.

Thanks and look forward to meeting you!