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SM-JUG Meetup next week -Building Fast, Scalable Database Applications the Easy Way: VoltDB v3.0

From: Jody M.
Sent on: Monday, December 3, 2012, 2:09 PM


Building Fast, Scalable Database Applications the Easy Way: VoltDB v3.0

Developing high-velocity database applications is getting a whole lot easier with VoltDB v3.0! 

Come learn about building highly scalable applications with VoltDB from VoltDB engineer and architect, Ryan Betts. In this talk, Ryan will present an overview of VoltDB and then dive into the coming changes in VoltDB v3.0.  Lower latency, faster synchronous invocations, faster ad hoc query performance, and linear scalability.  With new client drivers such as our recently updated PHP driver and new GO client, building scalable, high-performance database applications has never been easier!

VoltDB is a high-velocity, open source, ACID-compliant database that is used extensively in e-commerce, media, gaming and entertainment, financial services, and telecommunications to process massive transactional workloads and drive real-time analytics and decisioning.


Hope to see you there.


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