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Re: [LACloud-Computing] Open Source Build a Cloud Day on Friday - 2/22 - LAX

From: Ilan R.
Sent on: Monday, February 18, 2013, 10:10 PM
If you want to stay for the weekend and attend the rest of SCALE, use promo code CLOUD for 50% off SCALE registration.


On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 6:38 PM, Mark Hinkle <[address removed]> wrote:

This Friday February 22nd at the Los Angeles Airport Hilton we'll be conducting a Build a Cloud Day as part of the Southern California Linux Expo ( The day long event will focus on open source technologies for cloud computing:

The line-up will include speakers on Apache CloudStack, Eucalyptus, Ceph, Opscode Chef, PuppetLabs and Xen Cloud Platform. We'll also have Clayton Weise walk through a blow by blow  of the cloud he build for IS West. 

Admission is free and it's an excellent resource on the technologies needed to deploy and manage infrastructure-as-a-service. Please RSVP if you plan to attend so we can make sure to have enough food and beverages. 


Mark  Hinkle
Senior Director, Cloud Computing Community
@mrhinkle on Twitter

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