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Re: [cooking-415] All the events are put on hold until further notice due to my health issue

From: Jeremy
Sent on: Sunday, March 11, 2012, 3:08 PM

Dear Sally,

I'm so sorry you are having these sort health problems right now. I will keep you in my prayers as always. I wish you success in a proper diagnoses and treatment. Take care of yourself for now and we all look forward to your recovery and return when you are able.


Jeremy Booth

On Mar 10,[masked]:41 AM, "Sally" <[address removed]> wrote:

Dear members,


I've been very sick since last week. I can't breathe sometimes, I feel dizzy and have pain and discomfort in my chest. My father's side has a history of heart condition and I decided to go to Japan asap to get more testing and treatment as it's so much more affordable there.  I know I don't need to go into details now, but thought I should as I'm not sure when I can write you again. Sometimes I feel better but then I get so sick and I don't even check my computer as I'm so weak. My father had a surgery to place what is called stent in his narrowed artery, which doctors never found until he got cancer. They performed a thorough examination to check if his heart could withstand an 8-hr operation of removing esophagus cancer, and in the process they found this blockage in his heart which they didn't detect in regular checkups.

I didn't have any symptom (besides occasional funny feeling around the chest that goes away soon) until just a few days ago, but once I became sick, quickly it started worsen. Right now I can't stay up more than a few hours as I get short of breath, fatigue, dizziness and with fever I feel very weak. I went to a doctor and got tested for X-ray and EKG, which were OK. But my blood pressure was very high. All of my life my blood pressure had been low and I've been suffering the result of sudden change. I'm still waiting for blood test result. 

I regret I need to put everything on hold for now until I get better. I never want to quit but this is a necessary rest I need to take and hope you understand. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but please rest assured that my people around me have been taking very good care of me, I've been fed, nourished, watched, cared for, and they are going to take care of my stuff while I'm away. And when I go to Japan my parents will be caring for me, and I'll meet the great doctors who saved my father from cancer and a possible heart failure (yes, he's cancer free after the treatments and he has no heart problem anymore), so Please please do not worry about me, but please stay positive that I will be back in much much better health.

I promise I will come back healthier so that I can attend my older son's graduation in May, and yes, in better spirit ready to take even more fun, so please be prepared for that!)) Everyone, enjoy your life to the fullest every day, keep discovering good restaurants, good recipes, cooking techniques, etc, and inundate me with all your new discoveries. And even without me, if you'd like to be host a meetup that's been posted so that members can still get together, please be my guest. Also, if you'd like to post a new meetup while I'm gone, please do so too. 


Thank you so much for your support all the time,





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