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New Years Eve Party Update - Link

From: Nanda D.
Sent on: Tuesday, December 22, 2009, 11:44 AM
Hi Ladies,

Some of you emailed me about the payment for the New Years Eve Mansion Party.
I've tried to get the $15 online payment fee waived, but not much luck. It was decreased to $11.50, and it is the credit card processing fee... We did, however, get our very own payment link and if there is at least 10 of us going (they verify it by us RSVPing through our link), we will get some special perks from the organizer! ;) The link is:

Since money is tight for me, I'm opting for the cheapest tickets. If you guys want to team up for tables, it can be discussed on the message board... But honestly, since it's Premium Open Bar all night, I don't really see the point! I'm going there to dance, socialize, drink - party! No need for a table here. :)

Anyway, you can buy your tix here: and I will see you there!



P.s. The shuttle pickup location (in Hollywood) will be emailed to us after the purchase, I think. I'm buying mine today.