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Update on Clifton's meetup

From: Rudy
Sent on: Wednesday, November 16, 2011, 9:46 AM

Hello Everyone,

I've received a few emails from other members about the Clifton's Meetup that had been scheduled for this Sunday, the 20th. Please be aware this Meetup has been cancelled since late last week.

I had nothing to do with posting, or cancelling this meetup. It was posted and being hosted by a new Asst. Organizer to this group. At this point there are no longer any Asst Organizers to this group for the time being.  For now, it's best this group moves forward with 1 organizer. I will be posting a meetup soon..probably scheduled for early next year. I know the Holidays and the weekends can be very busy for many members from late November to the end of the year.

Best to all
