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What we’re about

Hello and Warm Greetings to the Stars of the Las Vegas Astrology Meetup,

I am Terri Proud, and it's with great excitement and a heart full of cosmic curiosity that I step into the role of your new organizer. I come to you with a Master of Science in Metaphysical Science and a Bachelor in Business Administration, currently journeying further into the realm of the metaphysical by pursuing a Ph.D. in Metaphysical Sciences.
My passion and academic pursuit have led me to conduct an enlightening study in the field of therapeutic astrology. This study is designed to explore the profound and transformative impact of the 12 houses of astrology on individuals who are on a quest to discover their higher purpose and true self. It's a journey into the heart of our cosmic blueprint, seeking to understand how the celestial influences shape our paths and guide us towards self-realization.

As the new organizer of our vibrant community, I am thrilled to have the opportunity to share this journey with each one of you. My aim is to create a space where we can explore the mystical and practical aspects of astrology together, fostering a sense of connection, growth, and understanding. Whether you're a seasoned astrologer, a curious beginner, or somewhere in between, I believe that every one of us has unique insights and experiences to contribute.

Looking ahead, I envision our group as a stellar gathering where knowledge, experiences, and the mysteries of astrology are shared and celebrated. I am eager to organize meetups, workshops, and discussions that will not only enlighten us but also strengthen the bonds of our astrological community.

I am truly looking forward to collaborating, learning, and growing with all of you. Let's embark on this celestial journey together, guiding each other towards the stars and beyond.

With Starry Regards,
Terri Proud

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