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Our Abundance and Empowerment Meetup on Wednesday August 27th at 7:00

From: user 5.
Sent on: Monday, August 25, 2008, 9:10 PM
Wow! The response has been great- it looks like a LOT of us have been wanting to meet and talk with other positive thinking people. (So far we have about two dozen people coming!)

I plan to be there around 6:30. It sounds like a couple people are feeling shy- if that's you, why not arrive early and we can take a couple minutes to get acquainted before the rest of the gang arrives? I may then enlist you to help greet and make name tags for others as they arrive.

If you're good with a camera please bring it and then post pictures of us on our web!

We'll probably do an ice breaker: "In one sentence, tell us a little known fact about yourself." (Funny is good!)

Can't wait!



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