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New Meetup: Creating the Perfect Partner

From: Barb T.
Sent on: Monday, February 15, 2010, 3:51 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Abundance, Empowerment and the Law of Attraction!

What: Creating the Perfect Partner

When: Thursday, March 11,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $10.00 per person

The Holistic Self Care Center
12 Murphy Dr
Nashua, NH 03062

I have had the opportunity to teach this class several times before and I just love hearing the success stories. Any thing that happens to us has been created through previous thoughts. Where are you right now? Romantically speaking, do you have all you desire in life? If the answer is anything less than a resounding YES!!, then you may want to take a look at your though patterns. This short, direct, to the point program will give you a plan in your hand when you leave at the end of the night.
We will go over some past choices, find a few things you really want in your relationship, decide what you are willing to do to have the perfect partner then we create the plan to achieve it!
I recently did this program with a family member. It works!

So join us for a quite night, a beautiful environment, wonderful company and and sound philosophies.

If you are wanting to use this information but direct it toward a perfect client or a perfect job that can be done also. The words are a little different but the concepts are exactly the same. Join us!

See you on Thursday, March 11th to create a plan for attracting the perfect partner.

Doors open at 6:30
Thank you ,

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