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April book nomination

From: Claire
Sent on: Tuesday, March 16, 2010, 11:02 PM

Hi all,

My nomination for April is:

Island by Aldous Huxley
It is 304 pages and is currently ��5.90 new on Amazon (or cheaper 2nd hand) .... Other book retailers are available

Why am I nominating this book?
I haven���t read this book yet but I was intrigued by the plot outline and thought it could generate a good discussion, with some strong themes. There are some very good reviews on Amazon and some conflicting ones as well, so I thought I���d put it to the vote to have a chance of hearing what views we come up with!

Book Description
The basic plot to island is of a young man shipwrecked on a fictitious and secret island, where the people live in a world of idyllic society and advanced culture. From his first moments on the island, Will Farnaby, (the main character) notices the strange mental abilities of the children that discover him wounded. Unknown to the inhabitants of the island, this man is a reporter trying to find out about the local oil reserves on behalf of a media giant, sort of a Rupert Murdoch character. Will money or ideology win out?

Thanks, see you soon


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