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Lean Startup Meeting: How to Ask for Interview!

Photo of Ashley Aitken
Hosted By
Ashley A.


Hello Perth Founders and Friends (aka Perth Starters),

At this meeting we will be completing the next FOCUS Framework exercise:

Exercise 8 - "How to Ask for Interview" in Workbook 1 - Finding Early Adopters

Please remember to bring something to write with and write on.

You can find more information about the FOCUS Framework here:

It was developed by Justin Wilcox. You don't need to buy the framework (although, of course, you can if you wish). Just come along and we'll apply the principles and practices to our startups.

Justin also has a popular and very useful blog and Web site called the "Customer Development Lab," that discusses much of the same content as in the framework. It is located here:

Obviously, he is a big fan of Customer Development (a la Steve Blank) and Lean Startup (a la Eric Ries).

Finally, to encourage us all we recommend you create a column for your startup in our "Lean Startup Perth Progress" spreadsheet and keep track of your progress through the framework.

The spreadsheet is in Google Docs here:

Read on for more information about Lean Startup Perth and resources to help you in your Lean Startup and Customer Development journey...

As usual, we will start with a discussion of any startup events (or significant startup news) and then go around the group and get an update on what we have been up to with our startups (or otherwise).

The group will then either 1) discuss a particular startup topic of interest to members, or 2) workshop an issue with one of the member's startups, or 3) discuss a worksheet or chapter from a significant Lean Startup book of framework.

Finally, we usually finish off with a discussion of any upcoming startup events, locally or otherwise, what topic or chapter we will discuss at the next meeting, and who will lead the discussion.

Members attending are required to Prepare - read the chapter of the text or provided resources and complete task(s), Participate - take turns in leading the discussion, and Practice - try to practice the Lean Startup up approach.

If there are no spaces left please RSVP to get onto the Waiting List. If there are regularly people on the waiting list we will try to find a bigger venue. Please change your RSVP if you are not able to attend (even at the last moment).

All the best for success!


Organiser, Lean Startup Perth.

Photo of Lean Startup Perth group
Lean Startup Perth
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Summit Nepalese Restaurant and Cafe,
81 Mends Street · Perth