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From: Alex S.
Sent on: Thursday, January 17, 2013, 10:36 AM

Hi Everyone,

On Saturday, January 26th we're going to show a true classic film made in 1954, Seven Samurai.

Seven Samurai is a Japanese adventure drama film co-written, edited, and directed by the highly acclaimed Akira Kurosawa. The film takes place in 1587 during the Warring States Period of Japan. It follows the story of a village of farmers that hire seven masterless samurai (ronin) to combat bandits who will return after the harvest to steal their crops. Many have said that this is Kurosawa's masterpiece!

Seven Samurai is described as one of the greatest and most influential films ever made, and is one of a select few Japanese films to become widely known in the West for an extended period of time. It is the subject of both popular and critical acclaim. A few years after Seven Samurai the Hollywood version, The Magnificent Seven was made.

Click the following to see the trailer of this 3 hour epic film.

This film will be shown on a first come first served basis and you will need to be prepay in order to reserve your seat. The cost for a ticket is $12. "The Screening Room" can comfortably seat 11 people and one for standing room for myself. The reason for the higher cost is because the screening room rental is $113.00 taxes included. The Screening Room has a 12 foot High Definition Screen along with Surround Sound to heighten the entertainment experience.

Location:  SilverCity Fairview Mall. The corner of Don Mills & Sheppard. Inside the mall.
Date & Time: Saturday, January 26th @ 7:30 PM.
Free Mall Parking

There are 5 seats still available. If you are interested in seeing this film, email me at [address removed] and we’ll set up a prepayment arrangement.

Cheers, Alex


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