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Oooops! :-D

From: Sherry F.
Sent on: Wednesday, April 29, 2009, 9:54 AM
Hello Ladies!
I'm sending this email with apologies for a confusing little mistake I made... I unwittingly had the Meetup set to automatically schedule itself.... hence it scheduled a meeting for the 26th. I have changed this and scheduled a Meetup for May 12th, which will actually be held in my home... I am delighted to invite you into my home for the Sassy Sacred Women's Circle. I tried to find a location to create a vibe that I feel is worthy of this group, but haven't yet found a public location so I decided to schedule the gathering in my home, which is a deliciously divine feminine sanctuary. I am excited to bring you all together! Again, I apologize for the confusion with the rescheduling.... I just love those little lessons in awareness! Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Looking forward to meeting up on May 12th!

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