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Yet, another New Muse! "CAT" Tonight

From: jesse f.
Sent on: Wednesday, April 8, 2015, 9:17 AM

Hey Artists,

You might want to click RSVP, our new Model CAT was referred by another of our favorite Muse(s) (marley) Here is a pick and as a bonus if you really want to paint this SATURDAY 10:00 to 3:30 Jim Trolinger will be hosting the "Trolinger Long Pose" format.

Join us tonight and welcome CAT to the Studio, and be on the lookout for the new calander updates I'm booking from now til the end of August.  Workshop auto pilot, We have Camille, Marissa, Briana, Marley, Mike R, JJ Cole, Leah, Yvonne, CAT, Chelsea, Scarlett, Leenah, just to name a few of the favorites! Plus even more new models. Your welcome:) Do you think Brett can build one of these? (see below) Model Hoist/Harness? Pretty cool, anyway see you tonight. 7-10pm RSVP//Parking Directly across the street. Thanks for supporting the studio.!-JF

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