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New Meetup: August meetup: Latin America comes to Southbank

From: Robin
Sent on: Monday, June 28, 2010, 10:59 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for London southbank book club!

What: August meetup: Latin America comes to Southbank

When: Sunday, August 22,[masked]:00 PM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

Hi all,

The theme of the August meetup will be literature from Latin America, the birthplace of magic realism (ok, some say it was the Germans but enough about them).

I have set up a poll with four choices covering the length and breadth of the continent. Links to the Amazon reviews for each book are below. The choices are:

1. Mario Vargas Llosa; War of the End of the World (Peru)

2. Isabel Allende; Ines of My Soul (Chile)

3. Carlos Fuentes, The Death of Arcadio Cruz (Mexico)

4. Paulo Lins, City of God (Brazil)

Please note that in order to give everyone time to read the book, the poll will close on Monday 12 July.

I've left out Gabriel Garcia Marquez as I suspect many will already have read "One hundred years of solitude" and/or "love in the time of cholera", and I've left out out Jose Luiz Borges only on the grounds of being dead and thus not suitable for a contemporary bookclub.

Finally, if your only taste of magic realism so far has been Rushdie, please don't let that put you off.

Venue to be confirmed in due course, but will be somewhere suitably Latino.

Best wishes, Robin

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