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Message from your past Organiser: Introducing your New Organiser - Ewa Horsfield!

From: Aza
Sent on: Friday, October 16, 2009, 9:13 PM

Dear Bellydancers and Bellydance Enthusiasts,

I am writing to you let you know that I am stepping down as the organiser of the London Bellydance Meetup. It has been a great pleasure to be a part of this Meetup Family, to have met many of you, made many friends and danced together! Due to more demanding day job, I have decided to give the more challenging organiser role to your new hostess - wonderful Ewa. Ewa is a very well known dancer and teacher within bellydancing community in the UK and Internationally.

I wish her success and all the London Bellydance Meetup members a lot of fun to be had at the future Meetups!

Warmest wishes,


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