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New Meetup: FREE show at House of Blues for our group!!

From: Gayle
Sent on: Monday, May 10, 2010, 8:59 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Los Angeles Rock Concert Meetup Group!

What: FREE show at House of Blues for our group!!

When: Thursday, May 20,[masked]:00 PM

House of Blues Sunset Strip
8430 W Sunset Blvd
West Hollywood, CA 90069

"Skyrocket Love" (some of you may know of from a past meetup show) is playing at the
House of Blues!! They're a very talented band in the vein of U2, Coldplay and Muse.
We can get the group on the guest list to get in FREE so RSVP "yes" if you're coming and we'll
plan to meet at the door to get our tickets. This is the only way you'll get in for free. More details will be posted soon on meeting there..
This should be an awesome show and a great time!! There are a couple other bands playing and "Skyrocket Love" goes on at 10:45.
See you there!!!

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