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RE: [Los-Angeles-Urban-Chicken-Enthusiasts] chicken help needed- Temporary home or coop assistance?

From: user 8.
Sent on: Monday, November 22, 2010, 11:45 AM
Hi All,
Thank you so much for all the phone calls! I was impressed at how many people out there are so generous & supportive. We did find a wonderful home for the girls from a fellow Chicken Enthusiast. Yesterday was a very hectic day between trying to catch my chickens, delivering them to their new caregiver & looking after my 2 young kids. I tried to return many of the calls and I sincerely apologize if I did not return your call. I genuinely appreciate all the kind and prompt responses. Thanks again,

Subject: [Los-Angeles-Urban-Chicken-Enthusiasts] chicken help needed- Temporary home or coop assistance?
From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Date: Sun, 21 Nov[masked]:46:28 -0500

Hi All,
Please respond to Diane directly, not to my email. Thanks.

From Diane:
I wanted to ask if you could please help me find immediate
temporary or permanent housing for my 3 chickens. In the recent
month, the rain caused my coop to suffer some structural
integrity issues. I have tried to repair it, but I keep having
opossums sneak into the coop & they have freaked my girls out
to the point they won't even go in the coop anymore. I fear my
backyard is not safe for them, and in fact, last night, I heard
a commotion & found 2 racoons crouched over one of my girls. I
was able to intervene in time - she lost some feathers & is a
little freaked out, but she's ok. Anyway, I am wondering if
someone out there in the urban chicken enthusiast community can
please provide shelter for my girls, even if it's temporary.
They are all just over 1 year old, good egg layers, and very
domestic - they will let my kids pet them & will let me pick
them up. Last night after the incident, I ended up moving them
inside my house to the laundry room (!), but I cannot make this
a habit - I will be going out of town all next weekend & I need
to find them housing hopefully today!! I can drive them to
someone's house provided they are in the LA area!!! Please, if
you don't mind distributing this request, I'd appreciate it. I
have a 25# bag of food & some leftover scratch that can
accompany them. My cell phone is[masked]. Sincerely yours,

Diane Lynch


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