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NEW ORGANIZERS for our MeetUp!!! Thank you for your support!

From: Tonya
Sent on: Saturday, January 21, 2012, 11:29 PM
Dear friends, party people, and Latin dance and music fanatics,

It is with much excitement that I announce that I am stepping aside as the Organizer of Loudoun Latin Dance Party!!!! I have enjoyed serving you, our local dancing community, and the greater Washington, DC salsa community through hosting and organizing this MeetUp. We have become one heck of a group!!!! But more than all that, I have enjoyed meeting fabulous people, sharing a common passion for fun, making some AWESOME memories... BUT MOSTEST of ALL: I've made some very wonderful friendships that I treasure.

And now it's time to pass the baton to those who will breathe new life into our meetup with their enthusiasm, fresh insight, and die-hard motivation. I AM SOOOOOOO EXCITED to announce that I'm handing our MeetUp over to Autumn Leigh and Lisa Warden as Co-Organizers. If you don't already know them, you will soon find that they are VERY DEDICATED to supporting the Salsa and Latin dance & music community AND they are FULL OF AMAZING and INSPIRATIONAL ideas that I am sure are going to have an amazing effect on our group!!!

Thank you again for your AWESOMENESS!!!! PARTY ON, CREW LLDP!!!!!

Bestest Regards!!!

Tonya L. Betancourt Shomette

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