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Re: [Mid-Island-Pilots-Club-Email] Anti-drone rifle lets people shoot drones out of the sky without firing a bullet

From: Frank the H.
Sent on: Wednesday, January 27, 2016, 8:28 PM
I guess I'll just have to fly my "drone" using old school radio 
controlled equipment. I have some old AM transmitters and some old FM 
transmitters as well that basically operate between broadcast 
frequencies.  The new stuff (last 6 years or so -maybe longer) uses 2.4 
gHz (similar to cell phone frequencies).  I doubt the drone "weapon" is 
broadband enough to cover old school radios as well. Maybe or maybe 
not.  I also doubt any modeler or kid would be interested in 
retrofitting his drone with old school technology even if they had the 
know how.  However, someone who was bent on using a drone for 
intentional mischief/destruction­ might very well do so. Just my opinion.

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