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MST3K-STL meetup, St. Louis, Sat. 7/31, 2:30pm: Manos

From: Donna D.
Sent on: Friday, July 23, 2010, 6:58 PM
Join us:


Q:  Which movie, about 20 minutes into it, prompted my six year old daughter to 
climb up on my lap, grab me by the shoulders, shake me, and ask, "Mommy, what 
were you thinking?  Why did you buy this DVD?"

A:  Manos:  The Hands of Fate

"Manos: The Hands of Fate (1966) is an American horror film written, directed, 
produced by, and starring Harold P. Warren. It is widely recognized to be one of 
the worst films ever made. In 1993, television comedy series Mystery Science 
Theater 3000 (MST3K), a show based on the premise of mocking B movies, featured 
Manos: The Hands of Fate, giving the film cult status." --Wikipedia

"The Master would not approve, if you did not attend." --Torgo

The schedule of events is as follows:

2:30-4:30pm Manos: The Hands of Fate
4:30-5:00pm Video clips of some of Donna's favorite comedians (as discussed 
5:00-?:??pm Pot luck dinner

All events are optional.

Dave, have you seen this:



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