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Sunday V-Ball: Changing Location Due To Heat

From: Bob M.
Sent on: Saturday, June 30, 2012, 11:34 PM

We're still playing this week, 2-5pm, but we're moving to the University Bay Drive courts due to the heat.  The University Bay Drive courts have a LOT more shade, so the sand there will likely be much cooler.

For those of you didn't join us there this past Thursday:  The courts are near Picnic Point, at 1651 University Bay Drive.  If you Google-map the address -- "1651" is the location of the courts, and there's a small parking lot (free on weekends) a short distance W of the courts.

I'll bring my cooler with a load of ice, for all to share to keep your drinks cold.

BYO WATER, and bring lots of it! And don't forget the sunscreen too.


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