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Voices of the Main Line Writers is accepting writing submissions!

From: Gary Z.
Sent on: Wednesday, January 30, 2013, 5:24 PM

Hello Main Line Writers.

I am pleased to give you exciting news!

We've spoken for months about creating a  book to promote you as an author and offer a unique publishing opportunity. The time is FINALLY HERE!

We have begun accepting submissions (two days ahead of schedule) for our book to be published some time in the fall 2013. You can find details on the submission formatting and process on our web site at!bookupdate/c132h. But here's a summary of why YOU want to prepare your submission NOW!

  • A CHANCE TO PUBLISH NO MATTER WHAT YOUR PRIOR PUBLISHING SUCCESS. We aren't judging based on whether you are already "a name" or you have been previously published. The judgment is based on the quality of your piece on its own merits.
  • NEARLY ANY GENRE ACCEPTED. Since the piece represents the many different voices, it also spans many different genre.  
  • NO TIGHT COMPETITION FOR JUST A FEW OPEN SPOTS. We have no set book length. If we get a lot of good submissions, we plan to publish them ALL as part of the book! We'll just super-size the book!
  • YOU CAN SUBMIT AN ALREADY PUBLISHED PIECE. If you have the rights to republish a piece, you can submit it.
  • NO RULES AGAINST SIMULTANEOUS SUBMISSIONS. We're happy to take the piece you submitted elsewhere and we don't mind publishing it, even if they do as well. 
  • FAST DECISIONS ON PUBLISHING. Our outside editors have committed to making decisions on submissions by May 15. You'll know quickly whether your piece has been accepted

Again, the goal is to promote our writers. A few important notes you should know about the project.

  • YOU NEED TO BE A PAID MEMBER. Because this is a project designed to promote our members as writers, you MUST be a paid-up member to be published. That's easy and the membership is just $25 for the year. The meetings are great and the people are wonderful. You should be coming to the meetings anyway. Contact [address removed] about becoming a paid member now.
  • THERE ARE NO ROYALTIES PAID ON PUBLISHING. Since the goal is to promote our writers, we've taken a different approach. We're pricing the book at cost to promote readership. The group won't make any money on the book either. 
  • THERE IS A SUBMISSION FEE. Because this is a project designed up-front to sell for the lowest cost possible, your submission fee pays for the outside editors evaluating the submissions. There is also a small fee to offset the marketing expenses. This is divided among all the authors of the accepted pieces. 

Details for submission formats, fees, etc are downloadable from the group web site!bookupdate/c132h.

A lot of Main Line Writers Group people have worked hard to get the project to this point. I'm just the one who gets to send out the email (this time, anyway). I hope that you are excited as we are and you'll take the next step: submit your work!

Gary Zenker, Main Line Writers Group

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