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Re: [Main-Line-Write] Virtual Panel Discussion for Story Shack

From: Christine R.
Sent on: Monday, January 6, 2014, 8:32 AM
Congrats, Tony! Pretension wins redux! (I was going to say "once more", but why waste the opportunity to be pretentious!)

On Jan 5, 2014, at 9:14 PM, Wayne Anthony Conaway wrote:

I recently had a piece of humorous flash fiction published in an online magazine called The Story Shack.  To promote it, I have used a promotional device I learned from Jonathan Maberry: The Virtual Panel Discussion.

I asked questions of several authors whose work also appears in The Story Shack. Then I cut-and-pasted their responses as if they were all physically together on a panel, responding one after another.  Once the discussion is posted, each author is supposed to promote it.

Here is a link to the virtual panel discussion.

Here is a link to my story.  Note that no one published it when its title was "My Super Power," but when I changed the title to the pretentious "Lachrymosa," it was picked up right away!


Wayne A. "Tony" Conaway

VP, Main Line Writers

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