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Spanish Immersion in the Dominican Republic

From: Rodney
Sent on: Saturday, March 8, 2014, 6:50 PM

One of our members, Stacy Hayes, is sharing the details of a great opportunity to study Spanish in the Domincan Republic.

Please contact Stacy with any questions you have, as she is the coordinator of this event and this event is not associated with our meet up group.

Below are the details and remember Stacy Hayes is the point of contact and you should contact her or view the websites below with any questions you have:


Hola Everyone,

We have a wonderful opportunity to travel to the Dominican Republic for a Spanish Immersion to help us become more fluent with our Spanish. I (Stacie) will be the contact person if for any reason you cannot attend the informational meeting (March 12, 2014). Please find below the all the information you will need to participate. If you do not get to RSVP by March 7th please just come to the informational meeting anyway.

I hope to see you there!


Hope you’ve had a most wonderful week with all this great weather! Just an update on our DR Immersion trip.

I have updated the flyer with information on our website:

If you want to register, please do so in the link below:

If you are planning on attending the information meeting on March 12, please rsvp by March 7th.

Have you watched the video of our 2013 DR experience?

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