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Join Us on Sunday!

From: Andrea S.
Sent on: Monday, March 8, 2010, 4:33 PM
This week is shaping up to be very exciting as Massimo is about to unveil his plans for the 2010 Puglia Italy Alla Famiglia Tours by Massimo Bruno. We would like to invite each of you to be our guests at a reception to celebrate these amazing tours planned for July 4-11, and July 18-25, 2010.

Join us this coming Sunday where Massimo will inveil the itinerary, discuss his plans and take reservations for the 16 spots avalable (8 per tour). So plan to stop by Massimo's Kitchen Studio for some Pizza and Antipasti's and to talk about your summer in Italy!

Celebrate the Alla Famiglia Puglia Italy by Massimo Bruno - Sunday, March 14th

I am looking forward to seeing you all!

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