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Welcome to another big year in Space!!!

From: Michael A.
Sent on: Friday, January 30, 2015, 1:26 PM

Greetings fellow Networkers and welcome to another big year in Space!!!

Coming up in 2015 we are expecting a particularly busy March and April but the rest of the year isn’t looking too shabby either:

In March, Robert Zubrin, President of the Mars Society and Professor James Hansen, aerospace historian and biographer of the late astronaut Neil Armstrong, will be coming to Melbourne in separate visits. Look out for public lectures, events and book signing opportunities right here on the Melbourne Space Network.

Join with the Space Association of Australia to celebrate the 45th Anniversary of the ill-fated Apollo 13 mission with the screening of Ron Howard’s acclaimed film, Apollo 13, at the Backlot Studios on Sunday, 12 April. This event happens to coincide with the date of the annual celebration of Yuri’s Night, which commemorates the first flight of a human into space by cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin on 12 April 1961. Along with the movie, there’ll be a short presentation, historical displays and special guests.

The Bendigo District Astronomical Society will host the 2015 Victorian Astronomical Convention on 17-19 April.

The Dawn and New Horizons spacecraft are expected to complete flyby missions of the dwarf planets Ceres and Pluto respectively.

2015 will also see the 50th anniversary flights of Gemini 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7 including the first EVA or space walk by an American astronaut, Ed White, aboard Gemini 4.

World Space Week is on 4-10 October – look out for activities closer to the date.

In addition to these special events and activities, member organisations of the Melbourne Space Network – including the Space Association of Australia, the Mars Society and the Tripoli Rocketry Association – will continue to hold their regular public meetings. Check back on the MSN Meetup site for details of these and other space related gatherings being held around Melbourne and Victoria.

We hope to see you at one of these events – please let us know if there are others you hear about.

Have a great year in Space!!!

Michael Abdilla | Organiser, Melbourne Space Network

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