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Full Day Chanting Workshop Sunday Dec 7th!

From: Gita Kali N.
Sent on: Tuesday, December 2, 2014, 9:43 AM

Please pay for this workshop by Thursday if you are planning to come. I need to know how many people we are feeding for lunch!  (and last minute drop ins still welcome)

We made it a DAY long event so it would be worth coming out to the yurt for those who are a little further away. I hope you can make it! This workshop changed my whole relationship to chanting and changed my life!

9am - 12pm Finding your Voice:

- Find your voice. Chant from somewhere deeper within. 
- Begin to learn about the power of mantra and vibration 
- Learn to chant the Sanskrit Alphabet using the 5 different mouth positions. (or practice it again, I have taken this workshop about 10 times!) 
- Discuss how to bring mantra to your practice and your life.

12pm - 2pm Vegan Gluten Free Lunch Provided

2 - 5pm Using Your Voice:

Learn to come more fully into the confidence of your voice for chanting on your own, mantras for your class, or leading kirtan. 
- Introduction to the instruments. What to look for if buying. The rolls they play... intro on how to play Harmonium, Mridanga and Kartals 
- How to lead mantra or kirtan? I started with no instruments, We will begin there, giving you confidence to lead a small group of friends or maybe even more! 
- Questions about leading kirtan, working with other musicians, dynamics. 
- And of course we will experience some Kirtan too!

$40 Half Day 
$50 Half Day w/ Lunch 
$75 Full Day

Sign Up Here:

The Yurt is at 45406 Lakeside Drive, Sterling, VA 20165

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