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A few open spots for photographers for our Wynwood group photo-shoot

From: Ken
Sent on: Thursday, December 20, 2012, 1:16 PM

We have a few spots open for Sundays' group photo-shoot.


You don't need to be a professional to attend; just willing to learn, agree to and follow the group rules!


Please note: a 'professional' style camera is required!


The focus of this events is to learn, interact and get some great images!!  Between those that want to be models; with those that are photographers.


As for 'models' - you don't need to be an actual 'model'; only requirement is being willing to work, learn and have fun while posing for images and working with photographers (in return getting some great images you can share!)


You must be signed up to attend the event.


Only group members may participate as photographers (who have agreed to the terms and conditions for the photo-shoot).


See you Sunday!!!


