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New Meetup: Phantom of the Opera at Unitarian Church in Back Bay // 6 pm & 8 pm

From: Diane D.
Sent on: Sunday, October 24, 2010, 4:23 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Boston Ex-Midwesterners Meetup Group!

What: Phantom of the Opera at Unitarian Church in Back Bay // 6 pm & 8 pm

When: Sunday, October 31,[masked]:00 PM

Where: First Church
66 Marlborough St
Boston, MA 02116

Hi all -

Sorry I've been out of touch ... I feel like a Chilean miner! Very happy to be above ground but overwhelmed with some stuff. I've received a number of great ideas. Anyone who wants to host an event, just let me know.

Here are two events that may be of interest ... one for families and another open to all. I'll likely be at the later program.

Internationally acclaimed organist Peter Krasinski
accompanies classic silent films for Halloween

Sunday, October 31, 2010, 6pm
"Peter and the Organ"
with music based on Prokofiev's Peter and the Wolf
and a costume parade!
All young Halloween revelers are invited to come
in costume for a Family Show, lasting about
60 minutes with intermission
Suggested donation: $5 per person

Sunday, October 31, 2010, 8pm
Beginning with a short recital by Krasinski followed by
The Phantom of the Opera
with Lon Chaney (1929)
Costumes are encouraged!
Suggested donation: $8 per person

Peter Krasinski

Peter Krasinski specializes in the art of live silent film accompaniment, world wide. He is broadly recognized as a conductor, organist, and music educator whose imaginative and energetic performances elevate and inform diverse audiences. Well respected in both the secular and sacred genres of his field, he has taught the enchantment of music to both public and private institutions in the greater Boston area for over thirty years. His Bach interpretations have been hailed in print as "sublimely spiritual", and his improvisations have been critically acclaimed in the press as "stunning", "seamless", and ?brilliant?.

First Church In Boston
66 Marlborough St.
Boston, MA 02116


You don't need to RSVP, but if you want to indicate whether or not you're attending I give the church a general idea of a count ..... see you then!

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