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Milwaukee Wordpress Meetup - our new domain name

From: Scott O.
Sent on: Friday, September 23, 2011, 4:58 PM is our new domain name.

Hopefully this will be more convenient than having to remember and type in a long URL.

For those of you who made it to the meetup last night, it was good to see you all again. Jonathan from MATC and his class were a great addition to the group (thanks Dave T for hooking that up for us). Allan, Dustin and Jim presented well on all the different ways to install Wordpress, from simple, to geeky, all the way to super geeky. :-)

Over all, I thought it was a good time. Please support this meetup group by going to the website to rate your experience here:


~ Scott (Your Wordpress Meetup Organizer)


Remember to RSVP for the 1st Annual Milwaukee WordCamp taking place on June 2-3, 2011 at Bucketworks:

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