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Re: [atheists-493] Minnesota Atheists Book Club

From: Kristin
Sent on: Tuesday, January 20, 2009, 7:59 AM
Count me in!  I'm flexible on time/location.
-------------- Original message from Bjorn Watland <[address removed]>: --------------

I've heard from a number of members that they would enjoy a Minnesota Atheists Book Club.  If you find yourself in that camp, please let me know which days of the week and times of day work best for you, and which areas are most convenient.  I'll be shooting for a first meeting in about a month to give people time to read the first book, "Godless," by Dan Barker.  The next book will be chosen by the group at the first meeting.  If there is enough interest, we may split the meeting up to a few days and locations.


Bjorn Watland

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