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What we’re about

Experience the joy and affirmation of shamanic healing!
Shamanic healing addresses the spiritual dimension of well-being by restoring and strengthening your own spiritual power. Through the beat of a drum or sound of a rattle, shamanic practitioners shift their state of consciousness to connect to spirit and request healing for their clients.
A loss or weakening of spiritual power (life force) may contribute to illness, injury, accidents, fatigue, depression, or “bad luck.” Shamanic healing seeks to replenish personal power, restore lost soul parts, clear stuck energy, and answer questions, to help restore the health and well-being of the client.
Shamanic healing is not a substitute for medical or psycho­thera­peutic treatment. However, by enhancing the body’s ability to heal itself, it can be a helpful adjunct to other therapies.
Please register in advance. Sign up here or e-mail Catherine at to reserve a space. You will be contacted with a confirmation.