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Lake Placid Ski Trip: One week left to sign up

From: Tom B.
Sent on: Thursday, January 12, 2012, 4:52 PM

The trip to Lake Placid is on sale for only one more week.  Lake Placid is the home to 2 Olympics, and there are a number of things to do aside from skiing/riding.

We will be staying at the High Peaks Resort in the center of town. Enjoy two indoor pools with whirlpools and nightly entertainment in the Dancing Bear Lounge. Ski the world famous Whiteface Mt. with the greatest vertical drop in the east.

We depart from the Hanover Marriott on Friday afternoon (4ish).

For only $549, you get:

  • Round trip transportation on a luxury motor coacc
  • 3 nights lodging with daily breakfast
  • 2 day lift ticket (for non skiers, deduct $60)
  • Non-stop party on the bus ride to Lake Placid!


This will be one unforgettable ski trip! 

If you do not have a roommate, we can supply you with one!

If you have questions or want to know where to send payment, please contact Janet Easterling at [address removed]




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