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Neues Meetup: Belgian Pommes & Drinks after work

From: Till
Sent on: Sunday, August 8, 2010, 11:08 PM
Ank?ndigung eines neuen Meetups f?r Make Friends Munich!

What: Belgian Pommes & Drinks after work

When: Donnerstag, 12. August[masked]:45

Where: Pommes Boutique
Amalienstra?e 46

Hey all,

this thursday is drinks-after-work-thursday!

Some of us migth want to eat something as well. Therefore we?ll met at 7.45pm at the "Pommes Boutique" where we can get authentic belgian fries with a high number of different sauces. (The serve other things as well, but the fries are really good!)

Afterwards we go to the nearby bar called "Soda Cafe".

Of course you can bring friends, if you want to.

The closest U-Bahn station is Universit?t (U3,U6).

In case you?ll have a delay, just let me know. I?ll send out my cell phone number anyways and you can find us later.

Ya?ll have a great week! hope to see you on Thursday!


btw.: The pic shows the different sauces at pommes boutique .... !

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