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NOV 2 ENO Workday

From: Will & D.
Sent on: Thursday, October 31, 2013, 6:12 PM
November 2nd, 2013,
November 9th, 2013,
November 16th, 2013
Hi All – In November we will be constructing a 30’ bridge using a new design. Completing this bridge, and adjacent short trail segments will complete the gap in the trail between River Forest Park and Penny’s Bend. We will be working on this for three days, so hopefully many of you can make at least one of them.
We will be meeting at the River Forest Park parking area off Infinity road in Durham.
November 2nd – Dig the holes for the foundation of the bridge, and work on the trail construction – we will need 4-10 people.
After the holes are dug, we need to have them inspected.

November 9th – Pour the concrete foundations, and work on the trail construction as needed. - we will need 4-10 people

November 16th – Bridge assembly – putting it all together- We will need at least 12 people to move the beams into place.
Once the bridge is complete, we will have it inspected, and then it will be ready to use.
All of these workdays are dependent on good weather.
The workday will be canceled in the event of rain or other inclement weather. An Email will be
sent out Friday before the workday canceling the event, if necessary. Please RSVP to
[address removed] to make sure you are on the mailing list so that you will receive any cancellation notices, as well as to make sure we bring enough tools.
Directions to the meeting place: River Forest park Parking Area  off Infinity road in Durham.

While we will not be building new trail on this workday, it is every bit as important to this
project to carry out maintenance on the completed sections of the MST trail. I really want to
thank all of you who have been coming out to the trail maintenance workdays.
Important things for the November workdays:
Please dress appropriately. For trail work, long pants and a long sleeve shirt are good, as there is
a some brush and brambles, particularly along the stream where we will be building the bridge. If
you choose to wear shorts, be aware that you may get somewhat scratched up.
What you will need.
Work clothes and solid shoes or hiking boots.
Plenty of water – most people will need 2-4 bottles of water when the weather is warm.
Work gloves, if you have them (If not, we have some)
When parking your car on these workdays, please do not block any roads, driveways, or gates.
Work Safely. This is the most important thing, and our main goal.
In particular:
Use tools carefully. If you do not know how to use a particular tool, or what to do in a particular
circumstance please ask. Do not work too close together and be careful with rakes, shovels,
and mattocks to avoid hitting the person next to you. When walking past another volunteer,
please say something so they know you are there.
Do not lift anything heavier than you can comfortably lift.
Know you own limits. This is not a race. We will be working on building and maintaining this trail for years to come. Take plenty of breaks. Make sure to drink plenty of water.
Remember that building trail is not like walking on a finished, well maintained trail. There are holes in the ground to step in, branches to trip over, thorns, wasps, poison ivy, ticks, chiggers, snakes, and other hazards. Please be cautious.
Have a good time. This is a scenic area. There are box turtles, heron, woodpeckers, deer, beaver,
and other wildlife in this area as well as scenic overlooks of the river, and historic sites.