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Beautiful Day Come Play

From: Keith
Sent on: Saturday, June 15, 2013, 11:08 AM

82nd Marysville Strawberry Festival! FUN FUN FUN

  • Sat Jun 15 3:00 PM 10:30 PM

Turning Point Church
1410 8th Street, Marysville, WA (map)

Come join us for a afternoon and evening outside, walking, playing, socializing, laughing, Eating, and at the end being awed by the Fireworks

We will meet at the Turning Point Church in the parking lot. Richard and/or I will have meetup and Singles Events Plus group signs with us so you can find us

We could end up in two groups because of so many things to do and people being interested in different things.. however we will meet together as a group at different times that we set during the afternoon.. if you cant make it or get lost ..


You can contact myself or Richard at [masked]


Keith and Richard


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