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NJ/PA/NY 20-30's Out & About is looking for Organizers to join our Team!

From: Melanie J
Sent on: Tuesday, January 22, 2013, 2:01 AM
  Dear Members,

NJ/PA/NY 20-30's Out & About is looking for Organizers to join our Team!

If you have something you're passionate about or enjoy doing and want to share with others, this may be the perfect opportunity for you. Being a Meetup event organizer has been a rewarding and exciting experience for me. I've met so many wonderful people and made great new friends in the process. Being a natural people person who enjoys socializing is a must! No prior experience is necessary. Whether or not you've organized events before, on/or outside of Meetup, no worries, we will help get you started.

Let's keep this Meetup going with some Fun New Events!

We're Specifically looking for individuals interested in organizing the following:
 • *Strenuous Hikes &/or Long Hikes (more then 5 miles)*
 • Skiing &/or Snowboarding
 • Snowshoeing
 • Other outdoor winter sports or activities
 • Happy Hours
 • Dining/Restaurants
 • Rock Climbing
 • Mountain Biking
 • Bowling
 • Movie/Shows
  We are also looking for organizers that can host events in:
 • NYC
 • Central & South Jersey
 • Eastern & Northern PA
 • Southern NY state

If you have any interest in organizing events like these or something else you don't see on the list, please contact us directly via e-mail through the Meetup.

As always, we're open to suggestions so please continue to post your suggested event ideas. Just a word of caution: If you do, you may be asked to host it! :-)
*Please Note: A suggested event does not include an already established event organized or hosted by you or another Meetup group. Please contact one of us first before posting it, otherwise the suggested event is subject to deletion.

Thank you and look forward to hearing from you.
Your Dedicated Organizers,
Melanie and Faith

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