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What we’re about

NLP Denver will be for people who want to know more about NLP and how to apply it within their lives. This meet up is for people who are beginning, intermediate or advanced in their understanding of NLP, and will help individuals get a stronger grasp on the concepts within Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Each meet up will consist of the following: -Coaching of techniques and processes -A demonstration of individual techniques -Individual and group application of the processes and techniques . We learn best by involving all of our sensory perceptions in what we are trying to absorb, so by listening to the instructor, seeing a demonstration and practicing the process, we get a better understanding of how the application works and how to apply it in our lives! This group will be for people who want to become better at: -Communicating with others -Influencing with Integrity -Understanding the Structure of Behavior -Creating change in their lives -Taking control of your emotional state -Realizing the power of Belief Systems -Helping others -Discovering how individuals experience the world -How to create more success in your life! And much more!! I Look forward to seeing you, so you can get a feel for the material! Please don't hesitate to call or write with any questions!! All the Best! Darryl DeBault