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Front End Software Engineer

From: Julia
Sent on: Tuesday, February 5, 2013, 5:41 PM

Type: Full Time


Location: New York, NY


We are a leading fixed income trading platform based upon cutting-edge technology serving institutional clients and B2B partners.

Enhance our real-time web trading platform
Work closely with technical and business colleagues to rapidly develop new features and make proactive suggestions to improve the quality of product
Optimize delivered code for performance and usability
Troubleshoot and resolve time-critical productions issues

Passion for developing high quality, beautiful web applications
Get high-quality stuff done attitude
Excellent written communications skills
Expert knowledge of Javascript
Expert knowledge of web technologies (HTML/CSS)
Aware of but not reliant on Object Oriented JavaScript Frameworks (e.g. ExtJS)
Good knowledge of Core Java
Good knowledge and experience with automated testing frameworks
Good knowledge of Linux
Good knowledge of SQL
Inquisitive and naturally curious
Tolerance and enjoyment of ambiguity and rapid changes in business requirements
Interest in financial markets
Ability to think quickly on feet
2+ years experience building web applications
BS or MS degree in Computer Science or a related technical field

JMS, Multi-threading, and EJB 3.x
Worked at firm that scored higher than 10/12 on Joel Software Test
Public Github projects



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