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Other party game meetup groups that may interest you

From: Mike C.
Sent on: Sunday, September 16, 2012, 12:27 PM

Several new party game meetup groups have emerged recently. You may be interested in these:


Manhattan Word Games - meets on Tuesday evenings

Manhattan Games Group - meets monthly in that borough

NYC Game Group - plays games like Parcheesi, Dominoes and Uno

Brooklyn Party/Board Games - meets in that borough

NYC Cranium Games - plays other party games besides Cranium

Staten Island Boardgamers - meets Sundays at Panera Bread at the S.I. Mall

No Drama Crossword Game Club - plays Scrabble on Monday evenings

Brooklyn Scrabble Group - usually meets on Tuesday evenings

NYC Trivia Board Games - meets on weekends and some Friday evenings

NYC Boggles The Mind - plays Big Boggle and Super Big Boggle


I am not being compansated for promoting these groups.

Full disclosure - I'm the Organizer for the Trivia and Boggle groups.