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[ JOB ] Ruby on Rails Full-time Contractor Needed

From: user 3.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 17, 2012, 4:17 PM
Velocity Development is looking for a Ruby on Rails developer to fill a full-time 6+ months contract. This position start immediately. Velocity Development is a small development shop with several large clients in the telecom industry running production systems. This position requires working directly with the lead developers and with the client to quickly build new features and address bugs.


- 1+ year(s) of developing production systems with Ruby on Rails
- Proficiency in HTML, CSS, Javascript, Linux, GIT
- Experience in a consulting role
- Ability to work remotely and visit the Brooklyn office to work with client once or twice a week

If you send a resume I will not read it. What matters is your ability, not what school you went to or what impressive company you have worked at in the past. Please send your hourly rate as well as any URLs or code examples you feel best represent your work style.

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