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[JOB] Looking for Consultant/Co-Founder (I'll be @ AngelHack this wknd)

From: Joseph M.
Sent on: Thursday, November 15, 2012, 10:45 AM
Hi all-  I Hope this sort of post is welcomed here, if not I apologize in advance.

I'm looking for either a dev consultant who I can pay $ or equity to help me outsource my kick-ass project, or if someone has time + passion and wants to dive in, a tech co-founder to join me.

A bit about myself:  I've been moonlighting as a social media mgr for restaurants and bars on Long island (although my day job is in finance, JMU alum '06)  The idea for this project was actually brought to me by a customer of mine- they want to build a better platform to promote events and specials at their restaurants.

High Concept:  Yelp + Twitter.   (I know I hate these too, but they're somewhat helpful)

I began taking RoR classes @ General Assembly, along with beginner front-end design to implement this project, but I quickly realized that my skills are not in coding... And here we are. 

Where I'm at: I've completed a simple B-plan, two sets of customer dev interviews and mocked up designs for the web and mobile app.  I actually just submitted the concept to an accelerator and have made the first round cut (finalists will be notified in two weeks, fingers crossed) 

Who I'm looking for:  Again either a super smart consultant who doesn't have time but can help me outsource dev or a full-time sweat equity co-founder.  If this interests you in anyway,  please email me back [address removed] and we can chat more. I can send links to mockups, video, business plan etc.

I'm actually signed up for AngelHack NY this weekend and if anyone would is interested in attending and maybe hacking away at this, please let me know!



[address removed]

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