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[JOB] Freelance job upgrading a small scale rails app

From: James M.
Sent on: Monday, January 21, 2013, 5:35 PM
Hi everyone,

I am looking to hire a rails developer for a short term freelance job in New York.  I have a small scale website that I created for my photography business site,, about 3-4 years ago in rails.  It's been working smoothly since then and I haven't had the need to upgrade the app.

Now, I need a professional to help me out and insure it's longevity.  I'm just not good enough to do it myself now, especially on the server side.  I need someone to upgrade the app from Rails version 2 to 3, I believe copy my database from mysql to postgres, and set it up on Heroku.

I'd be very grateful for anyone that can help me out with this.  I'll be flexible with my time so that you can do this around your schedule.  Ready to start at any time.  Please feel free to contact me with any details.  I am located in the East Village.



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