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[NYC-rb] junior dev looking for position.

From: Richard
Sent on: Thursday, March 12, 2015, 5:58 PM
Hello NYC.rb

I'm a relatively new programmer, I've been teaching myself about 1.5 years and have been really inspired by the Ruby community. Shout out to Pivotal Labs!

I come from a hospitality management career. I committed myself full time to learning on my own after being inspired by a good friend of mine who is a software developer in the Boston chapter of Girl Develop it. I am glad to say that I don't regret my choice at all and am deeply grateful to her for showing me the path to walk.

I am looking for an internship, apprenticeship or junior programming position in NYC. If anyone has or knows of such a position, I would love to meet with you.

I am fairly proficient with Ruby (my first language), JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Ruby on Rails and have some know-how with AngularJS. I work hard and learn fast.

You can see my code skills on GitHub, I just started a blog about my learning and love for tech related things at

Any advice or feedback is appreciated. I look forward to meeting some of you and getting more involved in the NYC.rb community.

Kind regards,

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