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Re: [NYC-rb] junior dev looking for position.

From: Mike D
Sent on: Thursday, March 12, 2015, 10:02 PM
If you're looking for a programming internship, please feel free to join It's an platform where you learn to code by working on real projects. The latest and most exciting project is the Bitcoin Trader project, where we're building a bot using machine learning to do high frequency trading with bitcoin. If you sign-up, join the Death Star and you will have a fleet for that project. All the other projects are going a little slower, so if you wanna get involved I suggest that. Also, it's for all levels of coders!

On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 7:09 AM, Richard Macias <[address removed]> wrote:
Hello NYC.rb

I'm a relatively new programmer, I've been teaching myself about 1.5 years and have been really inspired by the Ruby community. Shout out to Pivotal Labs!

I come from a hospitality management career. I committed myself full time to learning on my own after being inspired by a good friend of mine who is a software developer in the Boston chapter of Girl Develop it. I am glad to say that I don't regret my choice at all and am deeply grateful to her for showing me the path to walk.

I am looking for an internship, apprenticeship or junior programming position in NYC. If anyone has or knows of such a position, I would love to meet with you.

I am fairly proficient with Ruby (my first language), JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Ruby on Rails and have some know-how with AngularJS. I work hard and learn fast.

You can see my code skills on GitHub, I just started a blog about my learning and love for tech related things at

Any advice or feedback is appreciated. I look forward to meeting some of you and getting more involved in the NYC.rb community.

Kind regards,

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Mike De'Shazer
Founder, Code Cloud
3rd Floor, Itaewon-dong 123-7
Yongsan-gu, Seoul

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