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New Meetup: The NYC Expat Canadian June Rooftop Meetup

From: Joe
Sent on: Tuesday, May 18, 2010, 6:53 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The New York City Expat Canadian Meetup Group!

What: The NYC Expat Canadian June Rooftop Meetup

When: Tuesday, June 1,[masked]:30 PM

Rare View
303 Lexington Ave
New York, NY 10012

Hi everyone!
I'd like to set up another meetup to have drinks after work - this time at the Rare Bar and Grill rooftop deck, at 37th and Lexingon near GCT. It's a fabulous deck with a beautiful view of the city. You enter from 37th Street, and there's a special elevator to the rooftop. Sometimes there's a line to get in, but it moves reasonably quickly. The drinks are pricey, but very good.

It can get crowded and a little hard to find people up on the deck, but I will bring a Canadian flag and will be waving it around, so you'll be able to find us that way. Also you can call my cell at[masked] if you still can't find us.

If it rains, we can meet in the downstairs bar where they also serve food...including their well-known burgers. But if it's not raining, you'll need to snack beforehand, since they don't serve food up there.

Look forward to seeing you there! Cheers,
- Joe

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